Perspective. What’s eating YOU?

Nine weeks. It’s only been nine weeks, and yet it feels like so long ago. My old life. Old habits, and old mindsets. On July 20th of this year I was diagnosed with type II diabetes. I’ve always been overweight, and at times obese. My parents never taught me healthy eating habits, nor did they encourage an active lifestyle. But it was the 80’s, and we’re Americans. This was the time and place of decadence. The proverbial wild west of modern culture. A life free of repercussions. Sure people were coming down with terminal illness at an alarming rate and our youth were sicker and more diseased than ever, but that was just what they reported on the nightly news. That was somewhere else, and someone else.

The day of my diagnosis I was a mess. I huffed, puffed, pouted, pissed and moaned. My fiancé was so incredibly supportive. She reminded me that we love to cook. We could find ways to make this work. But I was angry. I was in denial, and I loved bread and nacho cheese so much! But I’m also an intelligent guy. I’m progressive, and personal evolution is the name of my game. So by day two I had some fish… and a bit of a rethink.

After a few weeks of immersing ourselves in as much information as we could find online, our perspective has shifted into one of viewing our food as fuel for our body. Then comes the emphasis on tailoring that fuel in ways that are not just tolerable, but into delicious new meals. Variety and fresh new flavors. Getting outside of the box and subsequently realizing that there are myriads of naturally delicious foods available at virtually any grocery store. It’s not just about raw kale smoothies and protein powders. In other words, the perspective changed from the few radioactive cancerous foods we shouldn’t be eating to all the amazing new  whole foods that we have to chose from. Seeds, nuts, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes and so much more!

So we encourage you to follow along with us as we turn the corner onto a new path in our lives. A flavor and nutrient packed journey to a longer, healthier and more fulfilled life. A smarter and more enjoyable life.


2 thoughts on “Perspective. What’s eating YOU?

  1. Pingback: Whole Grain Pizza Crust | The Cross & Bully Marketplace

  2. Pingback: Oat pizza crust. | The Cross & Bully Marketplace

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