Refinished Dining Set.

A few months ago we took on a special project for some close friends of ours. They had a dining set that had been with the family for some time. After talking for a while we decided it would be fun to do this for them. Updating the look by doing a dual finish of painted and stained wood.
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Natural Homemade Pesticide

What gardener doesn’t fear their entire crop being devastated by pests?

Planting our green beans last year from seeds and then watching them be eaten alive was heart breaking. So I did what any modern homesteader would do. I took to the Internet. I wanted to find a natural remedy and fast. Cost was a concern. I try to do everything I can with as little outgoing cash as possible. Sure, you could call me cheap. I prefer to think of it as resourceful.
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Pallet Cucumber Trellis

There are always at least five ideas swimming around in my head at once. Thankfully most of the time my counter-part can decipher my crazed ramblings. Last year we tried to grow cucumbers. It was a pretty big flop. By full blown summer they had ripped down the twine trellis that we’d constructed. They ended up a giant tangled sick mess of a plant, that I was afraid to go near. I was convinced unfriendly snakes were living there. So when Spring started poking it’s head out I was all consumed with a way to get the cucumber plants off the ground.

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Garden Update #2


War does not determine who is right- only who is left.
-Bertrand Russell

Echoing inside our heads we prepare to lay siege on our own backyard. Contemplating the destruction of the entire garden, at this point if we can’t have it- no one will!

The Cucumber Beetle is a formidable opponent. Raising  blood pressure and potentially taking years off of our lives.
We. Will. Win.

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