Chicken & Vegetable bake

As I’m sure I’ve mentioned before, I love when food is treated simply and respectfully. Start with the freshest ingredients you can find and let them speak for themselves. No crazy gadgets or exotic spice blends today please. We’re going to let this food shine. Continue reading

Pallet Cucumber Trellis

There are always at least five ideas swimming around in my head at once. Thankfully most of the time my counter-part can decipher my crazed ramblings. Last year we tried to grow cucumbers. It was a pretty big flop. By full blown summer they had ripped down the twine trellis that we’d constructed. They ended up a giant tangled sick mess of a plant, that I was afraid to go near. I was convinced unfriendly snakes were living there. So when Spring started poking it’s head out I was all consumed with a way to get the cucumber plants off the ground.

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Simple meal for a busy night.


I’m sure you’ve experienced the nights where the entire family is running around like crazy. One kid has a massive report that’s due first thing in the morning. The other has band practice and has to be picked up by 4 pm. Not to mention all the other parent stuff that is always running in the background. Sometimes you just do not have the time to set up flatbread and let it proof for an hour. Sure you could abuse the crock pot for another night in a row, but I’ve got a better suggestion. Pasta and sausage! It’s like spaghetti, but without the overdone(badly most of the time) element to it.
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