Natural Homemade Pesticide

What gardener doesn’t fear their entire crop being devastated by pests?

Planting our green beans last year from seeds and then watching them be eaten alive was heart breaking. So I did what any modern homesteader would do. I took to the Internet. I wanted to find a natural remedy and fast. Cost was a concern. I try to do everything I can with as little outgoing cash as possible. Sure, you could call me cheap. I prefer to think of it as resourceful.

There are a few things to know! This is a very powerful concoction and will kill your plants if not used properly. Never ever use on your plants in the heat of the day. Only use this at the coolest times of day. Early morning or later evening. It does not need to be applied everyday. Once a week is fine or after a heavy rain.

Here is the recipe I came up with.
1 whole onion.
4 cloves of garlic.
2 tbsp Red Pepper flakes
25 drops of peppermint oil (or a handful of fresh mint leaves)
2 tbsp biodegradable dish soap (castile or dawn)

Fill the rest of the way with water. Steep it in full sun for four hours.

Strain into a spray bottle. Store in the fridge, clearly labeled. 11951961_1671207106435388_1382336997326311177_n

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